2025 02 28
Https www alamy com atlas and text book of topographic and applied anatomy l the subscapular artery divides into two chiefbranches the dorsalis scapulae and the thoracicodorsalis the continuation of the subscapular the dorsalis scapula runs over the external border of the scapula to the dorsal surface of this bonesupplies the surrounding muscles and anastomoses freely with the suprascapular branch of thesubclavian this is the main path for the collateral circulation when the blood current in theaxillary artery is interfered with or when this vessel is ligated the thoracicodorsalis is the largestvessel image338263331 html (Dateityp jpg)
Atlas And Text Book Of Topographic And Applied Anatomy L The Subscapular Artery Divides Into Two Chiefbranches The Dorsalis Scapulae And The Thoracicodorsalis The Continuation Of The Subscapular The Dorsalis Scapula Runs Over
Https www alamy com text book of operative surgery fascia trapezius m rliomboid major m dorsalis scapulai a aiid v lev ang scap lu fig 38ligature of snprascapular artery at the superior angle of the scapiila point of view the inferior thyroid artery is certainly the most important brancli of thethyroid axis on account of its relation to the thyroid gland the ascending cervicalsuperficial cervical and suprascapular arteries have frequently to be ligatured inoperations in the region of the supraclavicular fossa the last named artery whichruns behind the clavicle to reach the scapula is image372335975 html (Dateityp jpg)
Text Book Of Operative Surgery Fascia Trapezius M Rliomboid Major M Dorsalis Scapulai A Aiid V Lev Ang Scap Lu Fig 38 Ligature Of Snprascapular Artery At The Superior Angle Of
Https www alamy com atti della societ toscana di scienze naturali residente in pisa natural history science science 222 m pitzorno g il truncus communis arteriae hiimeralis e arteriae thoracicae dorsalis h v arteria vertebraus dorsi la separazione di questi due rami terminali avviene in vicinanza della colonna vertebrale quindi lorigine dellarteria omerale avviene in flg 1 schema della circolazione in emys orhicularis p a thyroidea o e a a oesophagea anterior oep aoesophagea posterior ta a thoracica anterior tu a thoraeica ven tralis s a subscapularis vc avertehralis cerv image235349570 html (Dateityp jpg)
Page 2 Subscapularis High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy
Https www alamy com the anatomy of the domestic animals veterinary anatomy 528 respiratory system of the horse trapezius rhomboideus spintilis multifidus cartilage of scapula longissimus dorsi serratus dorsalis levator costce intercost ext longissimus costarnm inlercostales serratus ventrolis latissimus dorsi triceps c longuni pectoralis superficialis p transversa fig 470sectiox of thorvx of horse the section is cut in an oblique direction corresponding witli the spine of the scapula it cuts the body of the seventh thoracic vertebrse and the seventh rib dorsally and the fourth rib and its carti image236760337 html (Dateityp jpg)
Rhomboideus High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy
Https www alamy com the anatomy of the domestic animals veterinary anatomy the pleura 527 dorso scapular ligament cartilage of scapula amentum nucha trapezius rhomboideus longissimus dorsi multifidus serratus venlralis longissimus costarum levator costce subscapularis ifrasjnnatus teres major delloideus triceps c longum triceps c laterale curaco brachiaus brachialis pecloralis prof p humeralis extensor carpi rndialis biceps brachii pecloralis profundus pecloralis superjicials p scapularis p transversa fig 469section of thoroc of horse the section is cut in an oblique direction corresp image236760353 html (Dateityp jpg)
Page 2 Subscapularis High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy
Https www alamy com cunninghams text book of anatomy anatomy 912 the vascular system branchesa muscular to the sterno niastoid the subclavius and the muscles on the dorsum of the scapula b the medullary a small branch to the clavicle levator scapulae escending branch of transverse cervical artery transverse scapular artery trapezius rhomboideus minor descending branch of transverse scapular artery rhomboideus major infraspinatus long head of triceps teres major latissimus dorsi infraspinatus deltoid teres minor axillary nerve posterior circumflex artery circumflex scapular artery tricep image231855670 html (Dateityp jpg)
Page 2 Posterior Deltoid High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy
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