2025 02 08
Https www alamy com tsar alexander ii 1818 1881 a handwritten love letter with signature dein fr immer tr forever yours krasnoe selo dated 0719 vii to 1628 vii 1868 letter in russian and french language to his young mistress princess ekaterina dolgorukaya 1847 1922 on 6 july 1880 he contracted a morganatic marriage with her only one month after the death of his wife empress maria alexandrovna three sheets 193 x 12 cm twelve pages written in ink with stamped monogram of his father n i under the tsars crown alexander ii describes hi additional rights clearance info not available image246206206 html (Dateityp jpg)
Tsar Alexander Ii 1818 1881 A Handwritten Love Letter With Signature Dein Fur Immer Tr Forever Yours Krasnoe Selo Dated 07 19 Vii To 16 28 Vii 1868 Letter In Russian And
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