2025 03 12
Https www alamy com 05 may 2020 saxony anhalt magdeburg a replica of the stone age man tzi who was discovered in the tztal alps in 1991 is on display in the museum of natural history in the exhibition tzi the iceman on a glass plate the exhibition should have opened on 20 march 2020 but the museum had to close a few days earlier due to the spread of the cronavirus since 05 may 2020 the museum of natural history is open to visitors again the tzi exhibition can be seen until 28 june 2020 credit dpa picture alliancealamy live news image356386961 html (Dateityp jpg)
05 May 2020 Saxony Anhalt Magdeburg A Replica Of The Stone Age Man Otzi Who Was Discovered In The Otztal Alps In 1991 Is On Display In The Museum Of Natural History In
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