2025 03 05
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Original Film Title Vicky Cristina Barcelona English Title Vicky Cristina Barcelona Film Director Woody Allen Year 2008 Stars Penelope Cruz Javier Bardem Credit Mediapro Antena 3 Films Gravier Productions Album Stock Photo Alamy
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Presentacion Madrid Pelicula Loving Pablo Penelope Cruz Javier Bardem Javier Bardem Julieth Restrepo 06 03 2018 Producer Miguel Menendez De Zubillaga Director Fernando Leon De Aranoa With Actors Javier Bardem Penelope Cruz And Julieth Restrepo At
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Venice Italien 06th Sep 2017 Penelope Cruz And Husband Javier Bardem During The Loving Pablo Photocall At The 74th Venice International Film Festival At The Palazzo Del Casino On September 06 2017
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Cannes Frankreich 9 Mai 2018 Penelope Cruz Und Javier Bardem Bei Einem Fotoshooting Fur Jedermann Weiss Am Mittwoch 9 Mai 2018 Als Teil Der 71st Cannes Film Festival Findet Im Palais Des
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